JROTC Award Ceremonies

- 5/31/2018

Post News

Important Info for Post5206 Members

JROTC Award Ceremonies

The North, East, and West JROTC programs are among the finest in the program. Congratulation to all the cadets and awardees for a fine year. We are proud to be a small part of your program. Continue the great work.

VFW Hygiene Drive Challenge

In collaboration with community partners VFW Post 5206 is holding a Hygiene Drive. All items will be donated to Henderson County Schools to help students in need

National News

Important info from National VFW

Message from the VFW National Commander on General Election Results

WASHINGTON - "In the 125-year history of the VFW, we have witnessed the transfer of power of the highest office of our nation 21 t...

VFW Reminds Americans that Freedom Isn't Free

WASHINGTON - For the members the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), as well as the millions of Americans who have worn the cloth of o...